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Haylee Warner

My art develops from personal unease or fear.  These often un examined places hold valuable information that can reflect back on oneself and reflect on larger systems at play. Once I land on an idea that causes friction for me I dive into performance, sculpture, collage, installation and video as a way to zoom in and out of these subjects.  I find the energy stored inside a body holds a vast depth of knowledge that activates a place between spoken and written knowledge, and our embodied experiences.  Collaboration around these topics opens up possibility for difference that we can embrace and include within the project.  The energy of having multiple moving bodies also provides other windows into uncomfortable topics.  One way I work is by taking objects or ideas that contain a preciousness in puritan, american culture and finding ways to make those ideas grotesque or satirical.  This is a way I challenge my perceived notions of authority and what is sacred.


Haylee Warner is a performing artist and holistic health counselor located in Philadelphia, PA.  She co-curates the ETC Series and offers ayurvedic holistic health counseling at the Community Education Center. She attended the Headlong Performance Institute in 2017 and holds a B.F.A. in Dance from The University of the Arts. Her artistic influences have come from various intensives including La Pocha Nostra's summer school in Tijuana in 2015, The San Francisco Conservatory of Dance in 2013 and The School of Toronto Dance Theatre in 2011. Haylee's performance history has included Philly Files under direction of Faustin Linyenkula at The Painted Bride (PHL), ZOCO in Tijuana MX, and Dis(place)ment benefit concert at St. Kevin's Arcade in Auckland, along with numerous University of the Arts Spring and Winter Concerts.

Haylee is also Movement Meditation Instructor and Wellness Provider in the Philadelphia Area.  See her Healing Website 

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